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Protecting your Business is
our Business

  • Birmingham, West Midlands,
    West Midlands, B12 0BX

  • 247
    Manned Control Room

  • 0121 7692 247
    0744 9831 113

Locking and Unlocking of Premises

Locking and Unlocking of Premises

Many businesses are not in operation for 24 hours and therefore require someone to lock and unlock the site, this can become stressful and time-consuming for staff. Out sourcing this task can save valuable time whilst maintaining a strong and secure presence is established.

-Security presence.
-Saves valuable time.
-Regular premises unlock and lock for staff access
-Temporary service to cover sickness and absences
-Alarms unset and set
-Premises patrolled
- Doors, windows secured,
-Unnecessary lights and electrical equipment turned off

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We look forward to doing great things with you anywhere in the world.


Why Choose Us?

Duis rhoncus ac justo cursus feugiat. Curabitur est quam, interdum et ante quis, scelerisque pellentesque eros.Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate innovation via workplace

Trust Worthy

Duis rhoncus ac justo cursus feugiat. Cura bitur est quam, interdum et ante quis, scel erisque pellentesque eros.

Managing risk

Duis rhoncus ac justo cursus feugiat. Cura bitur est quam, interdum et ante quis, scel erisque pellentesque eros.

Best Services

Duis rhoncus ac justo cursus feugiat. Cura bitur est quam, interdum et ante quis, scel erisque pellentesque eros.